Post Harvest Water Treatment

Australian Wide Services

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WaterChem has the ability to follow project through its stages giving you the advantage to have us all the way from Design to Training.

With 25 years working in the Post Harvest Industry in the Fruit/Vegetable sector.

Area of speciality providing options and solutions for post harvest water treatment systems for above crops. This can include a wide range of designs depending on client details.

By having an effective treatment system we can address food safety concerns and also benefit with shelf life for crops.

We have worked on many projects over the years relating to different crops re post harvest washing. There have been many changes to grading equipment and also use of water in a packing shed. The best components are used in the equipment build process.

The key is to take in all of the factors that can effect post harvest washing of fruit and vegetables. Factors include weather temperature, Water quality/temperature, post harvest chemical treatments. / Contact times, Water recycling and Water Balance.

This involves discussion with grower using photos and site visits if required.

There has been an increasing push re monitoring and control of post harvest chemicals in the wash water (This assists with QA Requirements). The systems WaterChem build are able to achieve this.

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  • Post Harvest Water Treatment
  • Filtration
  • Chemical Controllers
  • Datalogging
  • Dosing Equipment

Customer Service

We pride ourselves on our customer service with the ability to be available at beginning of project and after.

We encourage operators to call with any queries relating to control / dosing equipment.

Any adjustment can be done over the phone to help keep businesses going.

Recycling of
Washing Water

Many systems need to be recycled due to water volumes and in some cases being chilled. It is not viable to run these systems to waste.

These type of systems require filtration and are also probe controlled.

When backwashing is required a separate shed supply water is used. This saves on energy and also water / post harvest chemical.

Post Harvest
Water Treatment

Options and Solutions for
Post Harvest Water Treatment.

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Post Harvest Water Treatment services

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Our Clients

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